SewaUSA - Tampa
Projects |
Sewa provided grants for relief and rehabilitation after Haiti Earthquake (2011), Pakistan Floods (2010, 2011, 2012), Japan Earthquake (2011), Philippines Typhoon Hailin (2013) and Pakistan Drought (2014).
The Family Services Program leverages existing local community resources, while bringing complementary services to effectively serve the beneficiary. Awareness and access to existing public or private social and humanitarian services is severely lacking for immigrants and those on non-immigrant work visas.
Volunteer Development projects are organized by each Chapter in support of the local community. Sewa provides volunteer resources to community organizations that require a particular task done such as: Spring cleaning of temples or city parks, soup kitchen, stocking the food bank, day vists to terminally or chronologically ill children, managing and running a community event, etc.
Volunteer The Sewa International, Tampa Chapter invites enthusiast individuals to come forward and help us in our initiatives. Enroll yourself as Volunteer. |
Social Impact
2,000+ No. of Beneficiaries | 1,000+ No. of Donors | 300+ No. of Volunteers |
Overview Sewa Tampa is one of the most active Sewa chapters with a wide range of projects and activities covering Health, Education, Community Development. Volunteer Engagement has been a key focus area with multiple volunteering opportunities and volunteering models to suit volunteers' time and interest. | Contact Us Sewa Usa - Coordinator 111-111-111 info-sdm@sewausa.org |
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