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Volunteer Development: Get Inspired Boston, MA

Today exists the largest generation of young people ever known.  Technologies like social media and mobile phones have created a generation that is better connected than ever before, awakening in them a new sense of power and potential. They have the power to make a real difference in the lives of people around them. Volunteerism is one powerful way for them to gain a strong sense of civic engagement and bring about positive transformational change in their communities.

The Get Inspired summer internship program offered by Sewa International's Boston chapter allows young adults to explore and innovate new ideas geared towards community service. As an intern, they will spend 8 weeks in the summer doing Sewa work in the communities they live in. Some of the activities they will be involved in are

  • Sewa event management
  • Fundraising
  • Public relations
  • Research & Documentation
  • Technology Assistance
  • Grant writing

Training and Support: Sewa supports the entire internship program by providing the interns access to an Intern Coordinator. The coordinator provides assistance on day-to-day concerns and arranges for mentors, who serve as experienced personnel and advise interns on their projects. Interns also get an oportunity to interact with the larger Sewa team members. 

Commitment: Interns are expected to commit to 25 hours per month for two months (July & August). They are also expected to commit to 50 hours over a 10 months (September - June) period.

Outcome: At the end of the eight-week internship, the Interns have a minimum of 50 hours of direct community interaction and experience of working with a non-profit. They will plan, organize and execute one Sewa event, raise funds for a Sewa project, write and submit at least one community grant and help with the Boston chapters administrative work. The interns will have an opportunity to collaborate with other interns to manage, learn, share and execute their community development projects.

Contact Details
Raju Datla


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